Friday, June 01, 2018

The Last Five Years

It has been five long years since I posted here. That's crazy since I used to post almost daily. My children LOVE reading the book that was created from this blog. They say things like, "You said the f word!" and "Look how cute I was!" while reading it. I yell at them if they bend the pages or get food on it. It goes on the special shelf in the library. Here we are, sometime in the last year:

I have recently been searching for "Lyme blogs" to read about experiences of others. I have been struggling for the past 15 years, on and off, with random symptoms that all have no diagnosis. When my doctor suggested Lyme last month, I just *knew* that I had it. We have ruled out any major organ problems, deficiencies, and Lupus. And I have managed for 15 years because the "episodes" I have are few and far between - I went for many years without any problems, and know I can feel like that again! Unfortunately, in the past year or so, my symptoms have progressed and they just aren't cute anymore.

So, it's finally time to get my act together and figure this out. This week I met a new doctor of Internal Medicine, referred to me by my general practitioner, and she believes I have the clinical symptoms of Lyme and it's lovely cousin, Bartonella. She also diagnosed me with POTS, which can be a symptom of Lyme as well.

What the heck does all that mean?

OKKKKKKKK. So, now what?

My lovely doctor, who is young and kind and very soft-spoken (and probably overwhelmed with meeting her exact opposite in every way) has started me on an herbal protocol. I ordered the goods and the first bottle will arrive soon. It begins with one week of "detoxing" with a Burbur and Pinella tincture. Then, after a week, the real fun begins with "Biocidin." She advised me to start the latter at "1 sip at a time" in case a reaction occurs....

Which means:

This is going to be my motto for the summer: 
"Take a breath. Take a step. Take a chance. Take your time." 
- The Last Five Years, Schmuel Song

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