Monday, September 03, 2007

Spirit Week

This week was Spirit Week at school! We got into the spirit, ear infections and all. We forgot to take pictures of the latter part of the week - but you only missed PJ day, sports day (They wore their Cubs stuff, G!), and something else I totally can't remember. Hm.

Here is Henry on crazy hair day. This was the day we went to the doctor and found out he had a double ear infection, so he looks pitiful:

Here is Owen on crazy hair day, too. He also has a double ear infection!!! Poor baby:

Here we are on red shirt day:

This picture is from today - their 9 month photo! Happy 9 months, boys!!!!

Playing with each other:

Hands off my remote!

Fun facts about the boys this week.....they are both pulling up onto their knees now. Henry has figured out how to go from crawling position back to sitting. He is SOOOOOO close to crawling, it's ridiculous. I bet it will happen this week. They both are bouncing a lot and they love to bounce in their exersaucers. Here are a couple more cute shots from today:

Happy Labor Day!

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