Wednesday, December 26, 2007

More Christmas photos and quotes.

Owen: "BALL!"

Henry: "Who is this one for?"

David: "The two worst things in the world are republicanism and disease."

Henry: "I don't feel so great...."
Martha: "Hack! Cough! Me neither!" and "I'm out, let's play a new game." (I won't put the other quote we all loved...."communist cs....")

Owen: "Bows!"
Jane: "Go big or go home!"

The Bills family....Owen is saying "So big" and Henry and Grandpa are making identical faces. Daisy's quote: "What? You didn't go to Hollister?" ;)
Betsy: "A fox almost ate Squiggles."

Nudey butt!!!
David: "Henry, turn this way, I need some full frontal nudity."

Rita: "I love playing spoons."

Todd: "Man, we have a lot of liquor!!!"
Martha: "Are you going to come to my house and install this thing?"
Jane: "Time for family nap!"
David: "Hello, Bob, I'd like a roast please."
Rita: "It's bigger than a .... uhhhhh...." and "Oh crap, not this category again."

OK, that's all I can think of for now. Email me if you can think of more. :)
Happy Holidays!

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