Sunday, January 20, 2008

Sunday!? No! FUNday!!!

This morning we began our day reading the newspaper. The boys both enjoyed reading the paper and then destroying the paper. We sang the clean up song and they brought us all the pieces they had ripped up.

Then, we took a ride in our walker. Speaking of walking, Owen's got it!! He's walking everywhere!!

Then we had some snuggle time with Jamison. He's such a good big brother. Warning: If you don't like dog germs, skip the next few photos. :P

Then, we goofed around with some family photos. Here is Daddy and Owen picking Owen's nose and Mommy and the boys singing Row Row:

We opened up our tunnel and teepee that we got for our baby shower this afternoon! We loved crawling through the tunnels and playing peekaboo with Daddy and Mom.

Hope everyone has a good week!!!!


debi9kids said...

So cute!Love the puppy cuddle pictures (well, except for the french kissing. LOL)PS Who's in the stripes? Owen or Henry? Cos, by your post it seemed like it should be Owen, but i was sure it was Henry....

Jessica Kate said...

Show Tunes Todd, you are looking Hot in that picture with Owen! Hubba Hubba, Jane. Hubba Hubba.
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Tonya Staab said...

Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous. Love the pics of them 'reading' the paper.

Christy said...

I always enjoy seeing your pics! Those boys look so big anymore! Where did all of our babies go to?? They are adorable and I am so glad that you get to enjoy some time at home with them! Enjoy being a SAHM!!

Brandi said...

YAY! Way to go O!!!

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