Tuesday, February 06, 2007

All newborn now, baby

We have outgrown our preemie clothes! Hooray! The boys are now wearing all newborn clothes, and lookin' cute! Here's a picture of them in their matching lion outfits - Owen is in the overalls and Henry in the pants.

We have our 2 month doctor's appointment tomorrow, and are excited to see how much the boys weigh. We are also hoping to get them more help for their reflux, as it seems to be getting worse lately. Hopefully we can get them some medicine to help with that. They are also getting their first round of shots - yikes! I am sure Mom will cry right along with them.
The stress of putting a house on the market will hit us soon as we have to rearrange our entire house and clean the bejeezus out of it to get it ready. Taking care of twin boys, 2 dogs, and now getting the house together may put me over the edge. But we'll get it done.
If you want to buy a house, call me!

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