Monday, November 03, 2008


My favorite Obama quotes:
"Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.
" I opposed the Defense of Marriage Act in 1996. It should be repealed and I will vote for its repeal on the Senate floor. I will also oppose any proposal to amend the U.S. Constitution to ban gays and lesbians from marrying.
"It took a lot of blood, sweat and tears to get to where we are today, but we have just begun. Today we begin in earnest the work of making sure that the world we leave our children is just a little bit better than the one we inhabit today.
"My job is not to represent Washington to you, but to represent you to Washington.
"There is not a liberal America and a conservative America - there is the United States of America. There is not a black America and a white America and latino America and asian America - there's the United States of America.
"We have an obligation and a responsibility to be investing in our students and our schools. We must make sure that people who have the grades, the desire and the will, but not the money, can still get the best education possible.
"We're not going to baby sit a civil war.
"Why can't I just eat my waffle?
"I've got two daughters, nine years old and six years old. I am going to teach them first of all about values and morals. But if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby.


The T-Dude said...

Absolutely! Together, we are going to make history tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to vote in 3 hours!! I can't wait!

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