Sunday, July 01, 2007

Family Outing

Today was a fun day! The boys tried sippy cups with juice this morning. Henry didn't get it, but Owen did! He had a fun time drinking it, tossing it, and slamming it around.

We ventured to Harpers Ferry today. We had never been, and it was a beautiful day! There were people swimming in the river and a lot of families wandering around.

Here's the main church in the town with the old railroad in front. To get to the church, you have to walk up steps carved into the mountain - very cool.

We had to ride a bus from the main visitors center to the town - the boys had a fun time on the bus, as you can see. :)

We took some family photos at the point where the Shenendoah River runs into the Potomac and had a picnic lunch by the side of the Shenendoah.

It was a fun day, and a nice drive through the country to get there. I am hoping the zoo will be our next outing. :) Baby panda!!!

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