Thursday, August 07, 2008

Nasty glare from other Mommy = We leave.

So, we attempted to make up our missed mommy bootcamp classes today by attending the 11:00 session. It is the one where you are allowed to bring your kids, so I strapped up the boys and off we went. There were about 20 moms in attendance, all with kids. As we start to warm up, the boys start screaming. They wanted out of their entrapments (the stroller), but a mom warned me not to take them out, so i didn't. After a couple of glares in my general direction, I took them to a corner and took them out. There were legos and cars, so they amused themselves with that for a bit. 5 minutes max. Then the floodgates opened. Between me attempting to lift weights, jog around the gym, do squats, and medicine ball thingies, they constantly screamed. I tried everything. Excercising near them, putting them back in the stroller, food, water, toys, everything. After mean glare #17, we booked it outta there and picked up Wendy's for lunch.

Oh well. I will just have to deal with being fat. Ooh! Maybe we can enter THIS contest!!!


Terri said...

sorry the workout didn't go well! Better luck next time.

Jenn H said...

Sorry they didn't want any part in mommy's boot camp! LOL about the contest, that was hilarious, I should enter Hannah!

Anonymous said...

Are those men going to eat those babies! Oh Jane, please don't let those mean men eat your babies!

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