Thursday, June 30, 2011

Wednesday No-weigh-In

I've only skipped a handful of weigh-ins since last August. Usually because I was galavanting around Paris or had other random plans! But last night I didn't go because I felt like I might have gained! For the last 3 weeks I have lost at weigh-in and last week I went below 170 for the first time in FOREVER and I was too scared to go back to 170 last night! I didn't have a good week food-wise, the first week of summer threw me off of my routine. I vowed that I would get my act together THIS week and go back next week and hopefully lose or maintain.

This morning I attempted a 4 mile run, made it 3 miles and then walked the last 3/4 of a mile home. It was just what I needed to jump start this week! I am starting my pre-pre-pre training for the Richmond Half Marathon. This consists of running and other exercise to build my mileage before the REAL training starts in August. This is the plan for this week:

Thursday - 4 m
Friday - off (Jillian's level 3 shred, though)
Saturday - 5M
Sunday - Spin Class
Monday - off
Tuesday - 3M run
Wednesday - stairmaster and weights at the gym

On a completely unrelated note, here is a picture of the boys that Todd found on his computer. So teeny!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I always get a good chuckle out of a visit to your blog. You're doing a kick-ass job balancing and "streamlining" everything in your life!! Wow! I'm impressed. I love your commentary and the fun pictures of all of you. Can I come to your house for dinner? Good luck in preparing for the Half-marathon. Phyllis

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